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Sustainable Cities Challenge Venice: The Judges

Jannis Linke

Jannis Linke

"I look forward to solutions that integrate both digital and physical components of the mobility ecosystem, encouraging sustainable behaviour."

Jannis is a research associate and PhD candidate at the University of St.Gallen, Switzerland. In his research, he focuses on factors influencing consumers' choices of sustainable mobility solutions, including the integration of new mobility services. He has collaborated with industry and city partners on various projects and was a visiting PhD student at LSE Cities. Prior to his academic career, he worked in the railway industry.


Alexander Schmidt

"Urban mobility improvements have a profound impact on quality of life in cities. I wholeheartedly support the mission of this challenge and look forward to supporting the unique and historic City of Venice on its journey towards testing new innovative mobility solutions."

Founder/CEO at BABLE Smart Cities with the mission to create sustainable and inclusive cities and towns. Schmidt’s work focuses on urban mobility, new digital markets, system analysis and development of urban solutions. He holds a M.Sc. Transport from Imperial College London, Environmental Engineering & Business Studies. He was formerly a researcher and project lead at the Fraunhofer Research Society, Morgenstadt, in Stuttgart, Germany and at the MIT Sensible Cities Lab in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Schmidt was also part of the founding and management team of EIT Urban Mobility, an institution of the European Union.


Alex Schmidt

Karen Vancluysen

"With POLIS we are always looking for new solutions that can help our cities and regions address the societal challenges linked to the mobility transition. I look forward to exploring the solutions that will be put forward to empower Venice in this respect, and I am delighted that the Toyota Foundation recognises the importance of supporting this paradigm shift to more sustainable mobility."

Karen Vancluysen has been the Secretary General of POLIS since September 2014, after having been the network's Research Director for 10 years. POLIS is the leading European network of cities and regions on urban transport innovation. For over 25 years, Karen has been involved in European urban transport networking and policy activities, and EU research and innovation projects covering a wide range of urban mobility topics.


